Frequently Asked Questions (?)
How can I register on
It is a very simple process. Just register by filling the online form available.
What is the Registration Fee if I want to see myself everything online?
The Registration fee is just Rs.1800/-. You get 40 verified profiles valid up to 120 Days.
I did my registration, but my profile does not show up online ?
All the profiles are validated before inclusion in our database. Our support team validates each and every profile carefully before it is added to our database. E-mail will be sent to you once your profile is validated and added.
Can I register for my sister/brother and myself with the same Matrimony ID?
A Matrimony ID identifies each person uniquely. Please register separate profiles for you and your sibling for individual partner searches.
Can I register for my friend, relative or sibling?
Yes! In fact we have a large number of profiles being registered by parents, siblings, relatives, etc.
Can I upload my photograph?
You have the option of uploading your photograph in Register page. You can upload a maximum of three photographs.
Can I edit all my details?
At any time, you can update your profile by clicking Modify My Profile button in Member area.
How do I log in?
Log in from the Home page and enter your Matrimony ID or e-mail ID and password into the respective boxes at the top band and click Login button.
You can retrieve your Matrimony ID/Password by clicking on Forgot Password link in home page and enter your E-mail ID. We will send you an e-mail with your 'Matrimony ID' and 'Password' immediately. Your E-mail ID should be the one given in your profile.
Why is the message Invalid Matrimony ID/E-mail ID or Incorrect Password being displayed when I try to login?
You could have received these messages due to any of the below reasons. Please ensure you enter the correct login details.
The Password you have entered might be wrong or you might be having the CAPS LOCK "On". Please check whether the Password is entered in the correct case (Upper or Lower).
Please ensure that there are no spaces in the Matrimony ID typed. For e.g., it should be A123456 not A 1234 56.
The E-mail ID you are using to login must be the same one with which you had registered on the website.
How do I change my password?
After logging into your account, click on the change password link. The system will ask for your old password and then the new one. Enter the details and login with your new password.
What services do you offer for people without computer and Internet facility?
If you do not have a computer, just fill in the application and send us your photograph with your complete information. We will Register your details.
How do I contact customer care?
We are happy to assist you to find your partner at the earliest. You can contact our customer care team in any of the following ways listed here. (a) You can call us on 9944775867. (b) You can send a mail to us by just filling up the Contact Us page and submitting it.